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New Work Wednesday


August 11, 2021

Legend Orthopedics

It’s Hip to RePair

A couple of months ago, we debuted the newly named and branded Legend Orthopedics. Next up? Rolling out that brand to the community with an eye-catching campaign and a fresh, functional new website.

Runs Like New 

The unifying campaign thought is when you feel your best, you make the best memories. Our creative helps patients envision themselves in their best-life scenarios, and thanks to Legend, live out a better and more hopeful health future.

Never WebMD It Again

When life’s big moments are fast approaching, we all want to be in our best health possible. Legend’s new website is jam packed with all the necessary information to begin your recovery journey. So what hurts? Rest assured Legend can fix it.





“In demonstrating how Legend is the premiere Augusta orthopedics practice, we opted to focus on the better outcomes they provide their patients; ultimately, the treatment itself isn’t the goal. The golden thread of Legend’s campaign is how they’re enabling their patients to get from where they are to healthier place, so they can keep making those memories that make a good life.”

Rachel Baker / Brand Lead


“Looking at the competition, we noticed that medical websites often feel cold and sterile. For Legend’s site we incorporated the positive momentum from the brand campaign to create a site that focuses on patient health while highlighting the medical professionals and services offered.”

Wes Childers / Director, Interactive & Digital Media

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