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Hearsay & Conjecture


August 17, 2020

You Mad?


“What’s it like working at an advertising agency? What do you guys actually do?”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked either of those questions, I’d have enough money to trademark the line “during these uncertain times,” (in hopes that luxury car brands and toilet paper companies would stop using it in their advertising.)

However, the answer to both of those is simple. Working at an advertising agency is like an episode of Mad Men but without the substance abuse and sexist marketing. If you have yet to watch the show (all seasons are on netflix, btw) or have no idea what I’m referring to, the bottom line is this: we make your shit look good.

Despite being pretty fresh in the advertising game, (going on two years, whoop whoop) I’ve learned a lot; most of it relevant and informational, all of it entertaining. 

After graduating from Mississippi State University in 2018, I turned my love for overpriced avocado toast and press releases into my dream job as a Social Media Manager. And while I have yet to get as many likes as Kylie Jenner’s latest post, I have found my own version of fame.

I grew up believing two very incorrect things: 1) Santa Claus and my father just so happened to have the same taste in cookies and beer. 2) every single company in existence did their own marketing and advertising in house.

The truth is, while some brands keep it in house, the best partner with high-caliber agencies. It makes sense. Hire the experts so that you have more time to focus on the product or service your business offers.

We, along with the thousands of agencies and firms around the world, work behind-the-scenes to create and execute campaigns that look and feel like they came from the client. That’s the point.

There are stark differences between Wier / Stewart and Sterling Cooper.

For starters, we don’t have a three piece suit dress code, nor do we tolerate indoor chain smoking or bourbon drinks at 9 a.m. (bourbon starts at 4 p.m. around here.)

But when you drop all that, you’re left with three main similarities: accounts, copywriters, and creatives.

The account coordinators work as a liaison between clients and the copywriters and creatives. Think Pete Campbell. They do everything from establishing and maintaining client communication channels to coordinating presentations. They make sure shit gets done correctly and on time.

Copywriters and creatives work together, combining tantalizing words and brilliant art to bring ideas to life in the form of billboards, posters, murals and everything else.

Still confused? The process really comes down to three things: establishing a solid relationship with the client, truly understanding their goals, and then going above and beyond to deliver results that work best for their brand and their audience. 

Time for speed round: W / S edition. Strategy and research, media, branding, campaigns, graphic design, web and interactive, content creation, social media, branded merchandise. What do these things have in common? We do all of ’em. And pretty well if I do say so myself.

That’s great news for you. Because simply put, we create work that works for you.

Not every company or organization has the resources to bring their advertising in house. That’s where we come in. Whether it’s a beer can design or a financial institution rebrand, we maintain the same level of consistency-no matter the project size. 

Have a project in mind? Let us know. First round of bourbon is on us. After 4 p.m. of course. 

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