New Work Wednesday
|July 11, 2018
The Kong of Beers
Monkey Business: Wier / Stewart and Savannah River Brewing Company.
Introducing Blanc-y Kong, SRBC’s White India Pale Ale.
The Challenge: Help the brewery create a name and visual identity for its newest IPA that will have it flying off the shelves.
Our Solve: Like we’ve mentioned before, beer is fun, especially when it’s named Blanc-y Kong. Inspired by the tropical tones of the brew, we’ve designed packaging and collateral materials for Kong that crush the competition and have a good time doing it.
Blanc-y Kong is a big, fruit-forward barrel of White IPA fun filled with Lemon Drop, Citra and Denali Hops. Unlike any other tropical brew ever encountered, Kong’s unique style makes it a crusher and its big nose of pineapple, peach and banana pair perfectly with a rampaging good time.
Available At
Savannah River Brewery Tap Room
Saturday, July 14th
Services Provided:
Beer Naming
Copy Writing
Can Design