Thoughtfully Crafting Work That Works

Better Crinkled
Last year, Columbia, SC staple Rush's made a pretty big decision. Change. For a franchise with fanatic fans all over the Midlands and beyond, traditions run deep. It's true, Rush's has been a cultural fixture for close to 80 years. And, one of those reasons it's a ritual is that they rarely (if ever) change the menu.
In a world where to-go and pick-up orders out-pace in-restaurant dining, Rush's needed to address their fries' ability to remain hot and crispy on the ride home. Enter the Crinkle… a hotter, crunchier and crispier offering to ensure their days of soggyness are a thing of the past.
To help launch the fry of the future to the Rush's faithful, we created a micro-campaign teasing the change. Through a multi-channel push we revealed the change (new fries), announced its launch date and built some enthusiasm/energy around our more crinklelicious tater. Our goal… make the change un-missable.
From bold banners and posters to eye-catching bag inserts, every piece was designed to turn heads and highlight this delicious menu upgrade. But we didn’t stop at static visuals. We cranked up the energy with custom t-shirts and playful buttons that brought the launch to life for both staff and fans alike. We tossed around a lot of humor to make sure this long-time partner got the attention they deserve for this monumental menu change.
And for you Facebookers, it's true… not everyone loves change. We feel confident everyone loves crispy deliciousness. Give 'em a try.

This was an all out blitz, in-store and across all of Rush's channels. But no better place for conversation than Social Media, and it's pretty safe to say we got them talking:

“Please endorse me for hand-modeling on LinkedIn.”
Daniel Stewart / President, Director of Partnerships

This project in a gif...