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New Work Wednesday


March 6, 2024

Crawford Square Website Refresh

It’s Hip to be (Crawford) Square

Several years back, we designed and developed one of our perennial fav clients’ websites: Crawford Square Real Estate Advisors. But things change quickly on the world wide web, and since our last iteration the Crawford Square site was in need of a little glow-up to best reflect both who they are now and best practices for user experience. 

Building upon an already solid foundation, we adjusted color, type and revisited the overall design to create a more streamlined and modern visitor experience. The sum of all these parts adds up to an online presence for Crawford Square that positions them as a forward-thinking, professional and trustworthy partner in the commercial real estate space. 

“Wier / Stewart brought our website to life with their innovative redesign, seamlessly blending creativity and functionality to elevate our online presence and create a more professional experience. Chris’ collaborative approach ensured that every aspect of our project was meticulously addressed, resulting in a website that is perfectly aligned with our team’s vision.”

Suzanna Wasserman Edwards / Vice President | Marketing

“Adding to CrawfordSquare.com’s curb appeal was our primary goal, and I think we nailed it with their updated site. Sometimes all you need for a transformative new look is a fresh coat of paint and some TLC that builds upon an already strong foundation.”

Chris Harrison / Technical Developer Lead

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