When we originally created the Fake It to Make It concept with our friends at SafeHomes, we had no idea how ridiculously outrageous this mega-fundraising event would become. Now in its 5th year, the contest has become one of the biggest, most entertaining nights of the year at the Miller Theater and is a guaranteed sellout. This lip sync battle royale continues to raise the bar on gathering donations and pushing boundaries in the name of charity.
Judge Not – Unless You Are Asked.
After a star turn as, among others, Celine Dion, during his second place finish in 2018’s FITMI (Fake It to Make It), Showpony’s Sean Mooney was asked to be a judge. A role made for the man.
Hey Ladies in the Place
The women of W/S love to posse up for a good cause and a good time. Fake It to Make It definitely checks both those boxes.