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New Work Wednesday


January 6, 2021

Fortera Van Wrap


To Their Credit

After we wrapped on Fortera Credit Union’s rebrand, it was time to take it to the streets. Fortera’s new, dynamic, bold design and messaging was a clear signal to their audiences that they do things differently—and what better way to show the community this than with a fun, Fortera-branded van.

Pick My Ride

We won’t lie—our ears perked up when Fortera approached us with this project. It’s not every day we get to splash so much color and pattern onto something that’s going to be moving through the real world. The team had free reign to get as wild as they wanted for the design concepts, and it shows.


Move! That! Van!

With a design and messaging nailed down, there was nothing left to do but make it real. The Fortera van rolls through the Clarksville and Hopkinsville area, spreading joy and cheer as they serve their community.


“Whether we’re on the go volunteering in the community or making facility rounds, our cool new ride has us ‘branching out’ in style. We couldn’t be more pleased with its vivid, eye-catching design and the fun it creates along our journeys. The van has become its own billboard that cheerfully showcases Fortera’s authentic personality.”

Ginna Holleman / Senior Vice President, Marketing



“I wondered if I had crossed a design line, but nobody told me I had to put it in reverse!”

Leonard Zimmerman / Designer

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