New Work Wednesday
|July 7, 2021
Loans That Pay You Back.
How Can We Get You A Loan?
Recently, our friends at Listerhill Credit Union asked us to help them with a very particular problem. They needed to loan out some serious cash.
With a surge in deposits and a slowing economy, Listerhill’s books were getting a bit out of balance. They needed to grow loans in a major way. Lucky for us, sticking to the altruistic bent of their organization meant some of that cash would be flowing back to those originating the loans. That, and some very low rates, gave us the hook we needed to get a winter of negative loan growth moving in the right direction.
Our campaign, Loans That Pay You Back, got the point across fast and highlighted the key benefit of the loan drive. Through consistent visuals, clever copy and smart deployment, our marketing efforts made it rain. Probably one of the most successful efforts in W/S history, we blew past every goal the Listerhillionaires had by a country mile.