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New Work Wednesday


October 25, 2023

Oysters on Telfair 2023

Pearls Before Wine

Every fall, we have the honor of designing a new look for the annual Oysters on Telfair, a locally-beloved oyster roast/party benefitting the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art (Augusta’s only independent nonprofit visual arts school and contemporary art gallery). This tasty print project typically involves a spectacular invitation, envelope and tickets (aka, a designer’s dream).

To celebrate its 18th anniversary, we created a new, modular logo that can be updated each year, and several alternate marks. Playful typography that evokes an earlier era and colors reminiscent of a nighttime soirée bedeck all sides of the suite, sure to arrest the attention of anyone flipping through their daily bundle of mailbox detritus.

We’re going; see you there for a cocktail by starlight?

“The invites and graphics make Oysters on Telfair even more special. We can’t wait to see what Porkchop surprises us with each year!”

Heather Williams / Executive Director, Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art

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