New Work Wednesday
|March 27, 2023
Palomar’s Summer Intern
On Hero-Worship
Just because someone is great at something doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be good at everything (like an internship). We created a video series for our always-happy-to-play-along partners over at Palomar highlighting the realities of what happens when you turn your hero into your helper. Hint: It doesn’t end well. This one’s from the vault but there’s no better time of year to break it out than Masters season. Greetings from sunny Augusta, Georgia. Don’t expect much from us next week.
“We always have so much fun working with the W/S team, and this video campaign featuring our brand ambassador, Greyson Sigg, was no exception. W/S successfully captured the essence of the Palomar brand while humorously integrating the PGA with Commercial Real Estate.”
Jessica Caron / Marketing Director,
The Palomar Group
“I hope Sigg’s gotten better at getting coffee by now. Bless.”
Amanda O’Keefe / Director of Content & Social