New Work Wednesday
|April 24, 2019
Public Art In Augusta
These walls talk.
Augusta’s public art scene is booming. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but our town is getting more instagrammable by the day thanks to these artists. We love it because many of the pieces featured in this video are right around the corner from W/S global headquarters on Broad Street.
As visual creatures by nature, we fully support, endorse and encourage this beautiful vandalism. Click the links and learn a little bit more about these public art projects
“Hidden in plain sight, public art, is sadly, overlooked or pushed to the side as a community’s ‘extra curricular’ side project. Working on this video was both a pleasure and education. Augusta has so many wonderful public art viewing options, it was hard to pick and choose which pieces we showed, they’re all so incredible! We love supporting our neighbors at the Augusta CVB and the work they are doing to promote both our area’s rich public art and the greater community as a whole!”
John Robeson / Designer