New Work Wednesday
|January 19, 2022
Thigpen Chiropractic
Feeling Spine
Beau Thigpen is Augusta’s choice when you need a spinal adjustment with a side of Southern charm. He approached us about creating the look for his solo Atlas Orthogonal practice, Thigpen Chiropractic, along with its online home. After exploring lots of options, we stumbled upon the Atlas moth (gotta be named after the Atlas bone – look at it!) which gave us the inspiration for our simplified representation of this crucial component to Beau’s practice.
Stand Corrected
For the Thigpen Chiropractic website, we wanted to keep things simple and straightforward, letting the Thigpen team ethos shine through while delivering all the info a potential client could need. Interested in checking out Dr. Thigpen and his team? Visit their site!