New Work Wednesday
|February 14, 2024
Valentines Day 2024
Well Hello, Hot Stuff!
If you know us, then you know that every year we skip the holiday rush of client appreciation and drop our love letter on Valentine’s Day. This often suspicious package serves as a great exercise in both raising the bar on ourselves creatively and not flying too close to the sun (former V-Day recipients will know exactly what we mean). So cheers to all those who we work with — we love you more.
“These are always so much fun to work on. As their relationship began brewing I imagined the coffee cup and minibottle walking off arm-in-arm singing ‘let’s all go to the lobby’.”
Leonard Zimmerman / Designer
“Webster’s dictionary defines wedding as ‘the fusing of two metals with a hot torch.’ Well, you know something? I think our clients are medals, gold medals.”
Tony Minnicks / Designer