New Work Wednesday
|April 19, 2022
Warren Church Website
Can We Get an Amen?
Warren Church is growing like crazy. They are a big organization with three campuses and myriad programs all focused on their mission of bringing the good news to the people. Critical to that calling became reimagining their online home by combining all their sites into one big, awesome repository of information and inspiration. It was a big job — one part organization and one part elevation. The results are heavenly.
Bless This Mess
Warren Church, as we stated earlier, does a lot in their ministry. Creating a space where people could easily navigate their offerings was paramount. Friendly and intriguing design invites visitors to explore the many facets of the church while smart organization and intuitive UX make the information easily accessible to everyone. And of course, the whole thing is designed mobile first, yet functions beautifully on any device.
“As Warren continues to reach further and dream bigger, it is also our hope to connect deeper with our church family and their needs. One of the largest and most daunting tasks for us was to unify our many websites into one that housed all of our resources and content. From our first meeting, we knew we were in the right hands. Wier/Stewart provided us with a team of people who believed in and supported our vision from the very beginning, as well as encouragement and enthusiasm every step of the way.”
Sarah Fayson / Communications Director
“Serving three physical locations and an online campus, this site needed to be easy to navigate for the existing audience as well as users who might be seeing it for the first time. Warren gave us a lot of trust and allowed us to push in a design direction that feels warm, fresh, clean and inviting.”
Wes Childers / Director of Interactive