New Work Wednesday
|May 19, 2021
Wisdom With Woody
Personality Goes a Long Way
In the world of marketing, especially social media, it’s not always about driving behavior. Sometimes, it’s about building some affinity for the brand. People respond to authenticity and, in a vocation as relational as Realtor-ing, it’s important for your audience to understand you’re not only an expert in buying and selling, you’re just good folks. That’s the inspiration behind “Wisdom with Woody,” an episodic content capsule within the Trulock Group’s larger social strategy. Need more from Ross and Woody? Follow them on insta or call them to help navigate your next home sale or purchase. I mean, if they know this much about life, imagine their depth of wisdom around real estate.
“You know, he’s better at selling houses than telling stories. And he’s really good at telling stories.”
Ross Trulock / The Trulock Group