Thoughtfully Crafting Work That Works

Time to Shine
Savannah's Economic Development Authority has a huge lift on its hands. Business in the region is booming. To help support this burgeoning industry in the area, a new entity has been created to facilitate the coordination of resources and partners necessary to undergird this windfall of progress. Introducing RISE, the Regional Industry Support Enterprise.

RISE needs to make a lot happen. In order to deliver on their tall order, it's paramount they look the part. That part, of course, is being a steadfast, trusted and strong enterprise to whom everyone comes to for answers and resources. Buttoned up and sophisticated, the new identity positions RISE perfectly and is at once approachable and authoritative.

“The beauty of the RISE naming and identity is its ability to capture a complex organization and goal in a stable, orderly and aspirational way. The future looks bright, especially now.”
Robbie Jordan / Production Lead