Thoughtfully Crafting Work That Works

You Want to Do What?
When our friends at The Palomar Group approached us about recreating the classic movie poster from Jackass: The Movie for their Christmas card our only wish was that we'd thought of it first. What better way to spread Christmas cheer and ring in the New Year than to ride off into the sunset in a shopping cart.

A Little Christmas Magic
Or, more accurately, a little Photoshop magic was what this project required. Unfortunately, there's not a market for oversized shopping carts, so it took a cleverly orchestrated (and outrageously fun) photoshoot and some creative finagling to get everyone in that cart.

To All Other Brokerage Companies...Nice Card
For a card this extreme, standard wasn't an option. By selecting a larger than normal card size to mail, The Palomar Group ensured that none of the fine print would be missed and that it would dominate all other Christmas cards received. For the lucky few that received a full blown poster, you're welcome for the office decor.
Can't wait to top this next year!

"These guys don't take themselves too seriously. Their job and clients? The opposite. We love that."
Daniel Stewart / President, COO

"No shopping carts were harmed in the making of this poster. Well, they weren't hurt toooo bad."
John Robeson / Designer