Golden Harvest Food Bank Murals

Stay Golden 

Well-known and beloved Augusta-based Golden Harvest Food Bank has been a community staple since its founding in 1982; the central hub and distribution point for pantries across 25 counties. Their mission is to solve hunger in our communities, and as part of that vision they recently completed a multi-year overhaul of their primary warehouse and volunteer center. 

The massively expanded operational space meant lots of fresh, blank walls, with which we were trusted to best communicate their story. Having worked on Golden Harvest's rebrand a few years back we were excited to dive back into this identity, and with hundreds of volunteers coming through on a weekly basis, there is no lack of opportunity to inform and delight.


Donor Wall

In total, we created over fifteen murals interspersed throughout both floors of the beautiful, multi-million dollar renovation. These ranged from a timeline, to selfie walls, to infographs, to custom wallpaper, gracing everything from warehouse space to conference rooms. 

If you're in the area, check 'em out in person by spending the day as a volunteer for this worthy cause. 

Volunteer and Staff Rooms

Volunteer Training

“With so many walls, ideas, shifting timelines, thoughts and prayers this one was a beast that we conquered as a team, and we couldn't be happier with the results.”

Leonard Zimmerman / Designer


Always Something You Campaign


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